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Customize and Manage Sensitive Data Discovery

Command overview: immuta sdd

This command allows you to customize and run SDD in your instance of Immuta. The table below illustrates subcommands and arguments.

Subcommands Description
classifier Manage SDD identifiers.
run Run SDD on specific data sources or all data sources.
template Manage SDD frameworks.


Use these options to get more details about the sdd command or any of its subcommands:

  • -h
  • --help
$ immuta sdd -h
Manage Sensitive Data Discovery

  immuta sdd [command]

Available Commands:
  classifier  Manage Sensitive Data Discovery Classifiers
  run         Run Sensitive Data Discovery with provided options
  template    Manage Sensitive Data Discovery Templates

  -h, --help   Help for sdd

Global Flags:
      --config string    Config file (default $HOME/.immutacfg.yaml)
  -p, --profile string   Specifies the profile for what instance/api the cli will use (default "default")

Use "immuta sdd [command] --help" for more information about a command.

SDD workflow

SDD workflow

Two common workflows for using SDD are outlined below. The first illustrates how to apply a global framework to all data sources, while the second outlines how users can create and apply frameworks to data sources they own.

The tutorials linked below show how to use the CLI to complete this workflow. For an overview of how sensitive data discovery works, see this overview.

Workflow 1: Apply the global framework to all data sources

  1. Data governor creates a framework using one or more identifiers.
  2. System administrator adds this framework as the global framework so that it applies to all data sources.
  3. Users trigger SDD on data sources.

Workflow 2: Apply a framework to a specific data source

  1. Data governor creates one or more identifiers.
  2. Data owner creates a framework containing one or more identifiers.
  3. Data owner triggers SDD on one or more data sources and resulting tags are applied to columns where criteria were met and recognized.